Donor Family Resources


National Donor Family Council
The National Donor Family Council was founded in 1992 as a “Home for Donor Families.” Comprised of donor family volunteers and professionals, the National Donor Family Council was established to support the needs and expectations of all organ and tissue donor families and to assist the health care professionals who work most closely with these families. Through dedicated service to the families of those who gave the Gift of Life, the Council provides a strong unified voice in meeting your needs and providing a safe haven as you learn to live without the one you love.

National Kidney Foundation
30 East 33rd Street, Suite 1100
New York, NY 10016

Death of a Child

The Compassionate Friends
A national non-profit, self-help organization offering friendship and understanding to families grieving the death of a child of any age, from any cause. Call for information on local chapters that provide monthly meetings and local referrals.

National Office
P.O. Box 3696
Oak Brook, IL 60522

The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance
Provides medical research and information while providing support to those who have experienced the death of an infant. Twenty-four hour hotline staffed by trained counselors available to answer questions and provide local referrals.

1314 Bedford Avenue, Suite 210
Baltimore, MD 21208

The primary purpose is to provide support toward positive resolution of grief experienced at the time of or following the death of a baby. This support encompasses emotional, physical, spiritual and social healing, as well as sustaining the family unit. Contact us for local chapters near you.

300 Capitol Drive
St. Charles, MO 63301

Death of a Loved One by Homicide

The National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children
National organization specifically for the survivors of homicide victims and which follows up with supportive family services after the murder of a family member or friend. Contact for information on local chapters that hold monthly meetings, provide support, advocacy, and court accompaniment.

100 East Street, B-41
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Death of a Loved One by Suicide

American Society of Suicidology
People of all ages complete suicide, men and women, as well as young children. No one is immune to this tragedy. As you look for answers and understanding, you also need to deal with your feelings of shock, anger and guilt. The suicide hotline in your area may be able to offer you some understanding and support. Trained counselors will provide you with information, support and refer you to a local agency to help you through this difficult time.

4210 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 408
Washington, DC 20008

Loss of a Loved One by a Drunk Driver

Mothers Against Drunk Driving
You could not have been prepared for the sudden death or injury of someone you care about in a drunk driving accident. Some say time heals all wounds. MADD is here in the meantime. Contact MADD for local chapters that can provide support, advocacy legal advice and counseling.

P.O. Box 541688
Dallas, TX 75354-1688

Death of a Spouse

AARP Grief and Loss Programs
Offers a wide range of resources and information to AARP members and their families who have experienced a loss. Provides one-on-one outreach services, including the AARP Widowed Persons Service for newly widowed men and women. Weekly support groups on America Online: “Grief Relief” Discussion Board on AOL Keyword: AARP.

601 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20049

Death of a Loved One in the Armed Services

The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
TAPS is a national non-profit organization made up of, and providing services to, all those who have lost a loved one while serving in the Armed Forces. The heart of TAPS is our national military survivor peer support network. We also offer grief counseling, referral, caseworker assistance and crisis information, all available to help families and military personnel cope and recover. Services provided 24 hours a day. Contact us for a chapter nearest you.

2001 S Street, NW #300
Washington, DC, 20009