
Donate Life Ambassadors

MORA volunteers play a vital role in our efforts to spread awareness of organ, eye, and tissue donation to save and heal lives. Our volunteers help us extend our reach throughout Mississippi by participating in registry drives, speaking engagements, and other special projects. As MORA strives to provide education to medical professionals, donor families, and the people of Mississippi, our Donate Life Ambassador Volunteer Program provides opportunities for volunteers to utilize their skills and talents in our organization. You may be matched with specific projects in our Community Outreach department based on your interests, skills, and availability. We ask that Donate Life Ambassadors make a regular commitment to volunteer at various MORA events throughout the year including registration drives, health fairs, high school and college education, and participation in special events, including multi-cultural and faith-based events.

Anyone can help promote and educate about the importance of donation. Some volunteers may have a personal story to tell to inspire others and some may simply see donation as a worthy cause. We welcome anyone who would like to join our volunteer team.

Current Volunteer Needs

  • Special Events / Health Fairs – Help staff tables at health fairs and special events throughout the community
  • Donor Registration Stations – Register individuals to become organ and tissue donors while distributing educational materials
  • Public Speaker – Tell your story at schools, churches, civic and community events, etc.
  • Donate Life Month – Attend various events and promote organ and tissue donation during the entire month of April
  • Office Projects – Help assemble packets, prepare mailings and special project materials, etc.

Join MORA’s team of volunteers by registering here. To learn more, contact Trisha Byrd at tbyrd@msora.org or (850) 259-1232.

You can also join our Facebook Group for Volunteers!